10 Travel Infographics To Spark Your Wanderlust

Planes, trains, and automobiles.

Memorial Day marks the official start of summer, the season of long weekends, road trips, and frequent excursions to the closest body of water. To aid in your summer travel planning, we’ve compiled a collection of transportation-related infographics, covering everything from carbon footprints to plane safety to the health benefits of sunshine. Now get out there and have an adventure!

The Greener Way To Get There: a guide to the most eco-friendly transport modes for your next trip.

5 Stages of Travel Interactive Infographic: from planning to booking to sharing, Google investigates the Internet’s role in travel. [click for interaction]

From Train to Tweet in 171 Years: a brief history of the travel industry as we know it.

Travel Insurance: Do I Really Need It?: an investigative look from none other than tripinsurance.com.

2012 Travel Bucket List: assuming the Mayans are right about 2012, how would you spend your last year on earth? Many said travel, and here’s where they’d go.

Road Trip: Advice from the Road’s Most Seasoned Pros: the best tire brands, truck stops, and smartphones for your next family road trip.

Techie Traveler: a look at how social media has fundamentally changed the way we travel.

Find The Best Airline Fees: in this day and age, airline fees are inevitable. This infographic helps you find the most economical travel solution.

Plane Travel the Healthy Way: it’s a dangerous world out there.

Sunshine & Happiness: as if you needed another reason to book a beach getaway.


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Image: Vox Efx

Jessica Marati

Jessica Marati currently resides in New York City and covers travel and sustainability for EcoSalon. Catch her weekly column, Behind the Label.