4 Fabulous Fermented Foods to Try or Make (Besides Kombucha)

4 Fabulous Fermented Foods to Try or Make (Besides Kombucha)

Fermented foods and beverages, like kombucha, are tasty ways to add healthy probiotics to your diet.

Do you regularly enjoy kombucha (extra points if you make it yourself at home) yet find yourself wondering what other healthy probiotics that you can buy (or make)? You are not the only one. After a period of waning interest, curiosity in fermented foods is at an all-time high in the U.S.

We all know that probiotics are good for gut. Get on board and try or make some new fermented foods to up your probiotic game.

4 Fermented Foods to Try After Kombucha


Think you aren’t into sauerkraut? Think again. The canned sauerkraut from the school lunches of your childhood is a thing of the past. Today, it is possible to find delicious small-batch sauerkraut made with love and perfect to top your next sandwich.

Brand to Try: Cultured

Cultured features ten varieties of sauerkrauts ranging from classic Eastern European spices to Ayurvedic blends, and quite a lot in between. All of Cultured’s sauerkrauts are naturally fermented in brine created from the juice of the vegetables and salt.

Make Your Own: Foolproof Homemade Sauerkraut

4 Fabulous Fermented Foods to Try or Make (Besides Kombucha)

Water Kefir

Just like kombucha, water kefir is a fermented drink that you can make at home. Water kefir is a lightly carbonated lacto-fermented beverage that is made from water kefir grains and sugar water, fruit juice, or coconut water. It is incredibly easy to make and  is a fantastic probiotic beverage alternative. Like kombucha, kefir is a symbiotic relationship of cultures, but the taste may be more sour and bitter than kombucha.

Where to Buy Grains: Cultures for Health


Fermented foods to try or make.Kimchi

Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean food made from a variety of vegetables and seasonings. Not only does kimchi boast of some big probiotic power, but it’s got a little bite to it as well making it the perfect topping for everything from stir-fry to eggs.

Brand to Try: Choi’s

Choi’s Kimchi is handcrafted using a small-batch process that has been handed down from generation to generation. Choose from Napa, White Napa, Radish, or Green Cabbage.

Make Your Own: Homemade Vegan Kimchi

4 Fabulous Fermented Foods to Try or Make (Besides Kombucha)


If you love yogurt, you owe it to yourself to find small-batch yogurts to buy or to make it yourself at home. The stuff you buy at the big grocery stores is nothing like the real thing.

Brand to Try: Trimona Yogurt

Trimona Yogurt is a Bulgarian-style yogurt so it is is unstrained (to keep all the nutrients in the whey), and tastes tart but light.

Make Your Own: Cultures for Health offers a Bulgarian yogurt starter

*Disclaimer: Help support EcoSalon! Our site is dedicated to helping people live a conscious lifestyle. We’ve provided some affiliate links above in case you wish to purchase any of these products.

Related on EcoSalon

Kombucha Beer: Catch a Fermented Buzz!
Fermented Frenzy: 15 Different Uses for Kombucha
20 Common Fermented Foods That Are Good For You



Jen Wallace

Jen Wallace shares her indie life by writing about making, creating, cooking, learning, playing, decorating, and pretty much anything else that strikes her fancy from indie biz tips to the modern history of the American hemline.