Daily Delivery of Beauty


I think there’s a reason so many of us long to make an extended visit to the south of France or the valleys of Tuscany. It’s a part of the world where beauty is revered, wonderful food is essential, and folks take joy in the pleasures of life, friends and nature. We are hungry for beauty, after all, and feeding that hunger through art and craft is as important to creating a sustainable world as recycling or cutting down on energy use.

I get my little slice of French country beauty every day at Postcard from Provence, where British artist Julian Merrow-Smith posts a new small jewel of a painting every day from his home in the Vaucluse region. These tiny landscapes or still lifes of flowers, fruit and pottery are exquisitely executed and completely enchanting.

Each day’s original painting is sold through an auction system, but Merrow-Smith also offers many of these as limited edition prints (in the $35 – $50 range) that would look sweet in a Mediterranean-style  kitchen, dining room or spa. I’m coveting Late Cherries and Quinces.

Image: Winter Road via Postcard from Provence