Doo: The Digital File Cabinet For A Paperless World

paper files

Tired of losing important files in the labyrinth that is your home computer? A new digital organization tool keeps it together even when we can’t.

The shift to a paperless world has already begun. After centuries of turning precious trees into magazines, utility bills, and medical files, we’re finally converting them to pixels instead. Stored in the cloud rather than a file cabinet, these documents can be referenced at will, but not destroyed by fire or getting lost in the mail. Unfortunately, it’s still possible to forget where you put them.

Just like a real filing system, digital documents have to be organized. Where did last year’s tax forms go? In which folder did you save the phone bill? With file storage on our phones, tablets, and multiple cloud storage services, these questions plague even the most organized among us. After all, digital files don’t stack up on the kitchen table, begging to be put away properly–they disappear from sight the moment we hit “send”, some never to be heard from again.

But don’t despair, a solution has emerged. is a cloud-based organization app, allowing user to access all their documents–no matter where they’re stored–in a matter of seconds. Doo automatically extracts relevant information from electronic documents and uses it to create intelligent tags. Selecting and combining these intelligent tags, such as companies, document types, file formats, people, places, sources or individual labels, makes retrieving synced documents a cinch, whether they’re in Google Drive, Dropbox, or saved on your computer.

Doo document storage

“The way we organize documents has basically not been relevant innovation since the ’80s. We’re still wasting hours every week cultivating complex folder structures and searching for documents,” said Doo CEO Frank Thelen. Built to be compatible with leading scanner brands, as well as smartphones and digital cameras, Thelen believes his product is the one-stop-shop for complete document organization, whether paper or digital.

If you want to find all your receipts from the past month, Doo searches its database. Your files aren’t moved or modified, so if a document was originally stored in Google Drive, it will open from there, explains Mashable. So instead of spending 15 minutes trying to remember what you named last year’s W9 or those photos from the family vacation, you can conduct a simple search in Doo and be on your way. Best of all? The service is completely free.

Doo works on OS X and Windows 8, and will soon be available for iPhone, iPad and Android.

Image: Lyssah