Men Don’t Care How Your Vagina Looks [Video]

This dude is about to draw a vagina.

Now, you may think men would have some pretty high expectations when it comes to how a vagina looks. Well, prepare to be shocked…

The video below features a handful of men who are asked to draw the ideal vagina. Luckily, all of the dudes featured don’t really care about any vagina’s (labia, etc.) appearance. The best quote from the entire thing was: “I don’t like disinterested vaginas.” Very, very smart answer.

Watch the video below.

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Abbie Stutzer

Writer, editor, and owner of Ginchy!, a freelance writing and editing company, and home funeral hub. Adores smart sex ed, sustainable ag, spooky history, women's health, feminism, horror, wine, and sci-fi.