Set Your Calendar to the Moon

moon noe valley california

It’s hard to imagine in our highly-scheduled age, but there once was a time without ticking clocks and calendars. Rather, we counted the passing of days via simple observation – watching the Sun and the Moon.

Instead, our wacky Gregorian calendar marks time such that we rely on mnemonic devices (30 days hath September…). On the other hand, marking time by the moon is undeniable. Either it’s new or full, waxing or waning. We only have to look up at night to see it.

And each moon has its own season, depending on where you live. Place-dependent and based on personal observation, renaming the Moons is a fantastic way to forge a deeper connection with the particularities of nature in the place that you live.

Call it natural time. And make it playful.

I happen to live in a fairly lush canyon in northern Arizona, so here are my Moons.

January: Icy Moon
February: Flooding Creek Moon
March: Cherry Blossom Moon
April: Iris Moon
May: Planting Moon
June: Scorching Moon
July: Monsoon Moon
August: Blackberry Moon
September: Harvest Moon
October: Moon of the Colored Maples
November: The Moon of Woolly Sweaters
December: Long-Nights Moon

Tell us where you live and how you name your Moons!

Image: Envios