Needed: Cool Condos for Galapagos Penguins


The Galapagos Islands, renowned for inspiring Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, was the meeting place recently for a group of climate and species scientists wanting to discuss ways to help this fragile environment adapt to climate change.

Concerned that global warming and rising sea levels will cause a high rate of extinction in this UNESCO protected archipelago, scientists are looking for ways to protect the islands’ unique species such as the flightless cormorant, the giant tortoise, marine iguana and Galapagos penguin.

One answer, they believe, is to create special shelters built in cooler, higher areas to allow for safer nesting. In particular, the scientists want to provide shady condos made of stone or concrete for the indigenous penguins who mate better in cooler temperature.

The penguins, however, have other ideas. It appears that they are very fussy about where they live and are unwilling to move from their established nests.

Image: lightmatter