When one thinks of Scandinavian design and style the first thing that comes to mind is probably IKEA. Although the big b…
Search Results for: scandinavia
Sustainable Scandinavia: 8 Fashion Designers Who Walk the Talk
Clean, ethical and progressive fashion from the north that has its sights set on creating a sustainable industry. Scan…
The Rise of the Scandinavian Cocktail: Getting to Know Aquavit
The Scandinavian spirit aquavit isn’t just for pickled herring and potatoes anymore. Simple and clean are words of…
Elsewhere in Scandinavia, Caroline Olsson’s Artisan Inspired Lamps
Caroline Olsson’s Turn light, inspired by artisan craft in her native Norway. We’ve often featured Scandinav…
8 Ways Scandinavia Impressed Us This Year
Scandinavia was consistently inspiring in 2011. After looking back on a year of Shelter posts, we realized that our obse…
9 More Reasons Why We Heart Scandinavia
Norway’s Nasjonale Turistveger is taking the highway rest stop to a higher level. American rest stops are often associat…
Foodie Underground: Scandinavian Takeover
Notice how any recent mention of fare from Sweden, Norway and Denmark also denotes how a Scandinavian food trend is quic…
Style Clash: Country Comfort Meets Simple Scandinavian
What happens when one style meets another? Is it catastrophe waiting to happen or is there hope for harmony? That’…