I have to admit – I have a slight girl crush on Natalie Portman. Could she be any cooler? Not only is she brilliant and talented, but she’s also sincerely concerned about animals and the environment. Okay, let me revise my statement. Maybe it’s not a crush, but rather, sheer envy that drives my fascination with this ingénue.
Anyhow, one of my favorite shoe boutiques in New York City, Té Casan, exclusively carries Portman’s new line of vegan shoes. The shoes are made sans animal products, thus cutting back on additional energy consumption in the manufacturing process. Her collection exudes sexiness and sophistication. My favorite: the coral faux-patent Mary Janes. I’m so in love with them that I’m even willing to put my name down on the wait list. So, go sign up now before they’re sold out for good. At $265 they’re about half of what designer shoes normally cost!
Image: Té Casan