Here’s why going green means making love:
Endorphins, endorphins and more endorphins. A better mood means those urgent and compulsive “I need to shop now” moments are less likely to occur. The search for happiness through all things external will fade with each hop in the hay. And what’s better for the planet than less stuff?
Wait, there’s more. More time between the sheets means less time on the road. Make love not pollution! Watch your monthly Chevron bill drop as your sexy-status rises.
But the rewards don’t end there. There’s nothing better for a woman’s sense of beauty, power, and desirability than a carefree session between the sheets. Feeling sexy and confident shows – your skin glows, your shoulders are thrown back, your cat stops clawing the sofa, your boss wants to give you a raise. (This is all very scientific.) In general, your life improves dramatically! At EcoSalon we believe that going green means living better. And since we all know that change starts within ourselves, what better way to help make the world a better place than by treating yourself to a little afternoon delight?
Sex makes us happy. And happy people are more inclined to be generous, participate in selfless causes, and practice altruism (PDF). So spread the love, sweetness!
Now, ladies, if you haven’t grabbed the nearest green Tom, Dick or Yes Please partner-of-choice by now, perhaps you’re in need of a little eco-friendly direction.
Here are a few tips to get you started on a green affair to remember:
Eat, drink and think organic. What we put into our bodies affects how it works. Fresh foods free of pesticides and preservatives guarantee a clean diet (more room for a dirty mind). Please don’t screw with your sex drive. Are you really in the mood after chowing down on a pint of chocolate Haagen Dazs? Clean it up and have more sex!
Speaking of chocolate – it doesn’t have to be off limits. Melt a bar of Endangered Species Organic Smooth Dark Chocolate and”¦put it wherever you want to explore. Green does not equal boring…in bed!
Not that the bed is your only option, of course. Wherever you two land, make sure you feel as good on the outside as you do on the inside. For his viewing pleasures, wear your best come-hither lingerie (find eco-options here and here) and heels. Sex 101: guys love heels.
Going green protects the earth, and it sure better protect you as well. More sex means more safe sex. French Letter’s fairly traded condoms come in four varieties – Aphrodisiac, Linger Lust, Sheer Caress and Stimulating Massage. They’re available at ethicalsuperstore – a pack of 12 for $18.
You’ll definitely score if you score your guy a pair of Lucky Pants. Feel tingly all over knowing that a portion of the sale goes toward HIV & AIDS work in South Africa. And because you can never have too many condoms, Lucky Pants come with a pocket full o’ French Letter condoms. Also available at ethicalsuperstore.
If you’re still reading and not doing, well, the easiest and fastest way to have more sex more often is be spontaneous! Don’t plan, just do it. Anytime, anywhere.
And don’t forget, you heard it here first. Old, young, man, woman, and everything in between: sex is good for every body – and it’s good for the planet.
Images: jessiejacobson