Buying birth control pills is easier; remembering to take them is still hard.
On August 1, 2012, women all over the United States received the long-awaited news that insurance companies would now cover their birth control. Free birth control still isn’t available to everyone, especially the uninsured. But many of the obstacles that keep women from maintaining control over their own reproductive destinies are ever-so-slowly eroding. These 10 infographics examine some of the ins and outs particular to women’s health.
G20 Countries: The Worst and Best For Women: Places around the globe where the fight for women’s rights continues.
Free Birth Control Goes Into Effect Today!: What are your new benefits under the Affordable Care Act?
What to Expect When You Are Expecting?: A lot of bills, probably.
What Countries Have Outlawed Abortion?: Click on the link to check out the interactive map.
Specialists for Women to See by Decade: What to ask about when you visit a specialist.
The Control of Birth Control: Why is contraception so controversial?
What You Don’t Know About Domestic Violence: Every nine seconds, a woman is beaten by an intimate or former partner.
The U.S. Maternal Health Crisis: For a developed nation, the United States has a shockingly high maternal mortality ratio.
Why We Need the Violence Against Women Act: Conservatives oppose this year’s renewal of the necessary Violence Against Women Act, because of its inclusion of same-sex couples.
Maternity Leave: American Mothers Deserve Better: Around the world, guaranteed maternity leave is the norm…except in the United States.
Image: shimrit.