Jon Stewart’s last day at The Daily Show is August 6… That’s today. Try and hold back your tears and remember that it’s best to remember the good times. To help you do just that, we’ve rounded up a few of the Jon Stewart segments we love.
1. The Fault in Our Schools
In this video, Stewart shows us just how terribly many schools handle sexual assault. When this video aired in June 2014, most everyone with an Internet connection knew about all the sexual assaults that were happening on campuses (and just how little was happening to the students who assaulted the women — even when there was footage). The best part of this clip comes when Jessica Williams takes over and schools everyone in the audience about just how much women are “required” to think about when they navigate the world everyday of their lives.
2. Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision
Through the past year, we’ve all learned that white privilege is real and that #BlackLivesMatter, and Jon Stewart was with us throughout that entire education. And while Stewart was there to give us some comedy to make some of these situations a bit better, he also knows when to get real. The above video is the realist reaction Stewart had about the Eric Garner grand jury decision.
3. Burn Noticed
Jon Stewart is great at dealing with emotional issues, but he also is incredibly adept at dealing with science news, too. One of the issues he dealt with on (sadly) a regular basis was climate change. We are really going to miss his humor when we have to hear about nasty things like drought and water shortages in the future.
4. Democalypse 2012 – Election Night 2012: This Ends Now – Campaign Headquarters
And we’d be remiss if we didn’t include at least one clip of Stewart doing what he does best: covering a presidential campaign. What we wouldn’t give to see him in action in 2016.
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