4 Years of a Column About Good Food: Foodie Underground


ColumnFour years of Foodie Underground means a lot of column writing. Here’s a look back.

Something last week made me go and search for the first Foodie Underground ever written. I remembered that it was around springtime, but couldn’t remembered the month. As it turned out, my first column devoted to my vision of good food was published on April 9, 2010 and it was titled “Amateur is the New Black” – this was back when I liked mysterious headlines. I read through, partly cringing, partly laughing. Reading your own writing from several years ago is a good way to induce these kinds of reactions.

Four years. That’s how long I have been writing this column. Four years, especially in the world of internet, is a long time. It’s like Foodie Underground is a toddler (and nowadays it even has its own website). Mostly well behaved, sometimes a little obnoxious, especially on those deadline days that I feel like I am grasping for a subject. Sometimes I simply feel like I am repeating the same thing I say every week, “Eat real food. Cook your own food. Don’t buy processed. Think about where your food comes from. Be creative in the kitchen.” But eventually it comes together, and the following Monday, it pops up once again.

It has been four years of writing about good food, exploring questions of food politics, all with a good dose of snark here and there. And while a weekly deadline sneaks up on you every single week, it’s a pretty fun thing to write. So in honor of Foodie Underground’s 4th birthday, I figured I would pull together a list of some of my personal favorite columns (in no particular order). A little Foodie Underground retrospective so to say.

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing.

1. Formulating the Foolproof Foodie Menu

Hint: it involves mason jars and beets.

2. The 10 Types of Foodies and What to Do With Them

Because everyone loves defining themselves.

3. Things You Wish You Had Overheard a Foodie Say

“I name all of my fresh eggs before I eat them. I find that when my food has a personal identity I enjoy it more.”

4. Fast Food, Fast Fashion… It’s All About Choice

“If we expect change in the food system, we have to demand it, and that means making a choice every time we eat.”

5. The Summer Bucket List

There’s the 2012 version and the 2013 version.

6. Why Do We Love Markets?

I think I like this one purely for the photos.

7. Everything in Moderation

Including moderation of course.

8. The Beauty of Eating Outdoors

Because eating outside is always better. Always.

9. 50 Pick Up Lines for Scoring a Foodie

“You’re as intoxicating as a home distilled liquor.”

10. The Secret Diary of a Foodie

Dear diary…

This is the latest installment of Anna Brones’ weekly column at EcoSalon: Foodie Underground, an exploration of what’s new and different in the underground movement, and how we make the topic of good food more accessible to everyone. More musings on the topic can be found at www.foodieunderground.com.

Anna Brones

Anna Brones is a food + travel writer with a love for coffee and bikes. She is the author of The Culinary Cyclist and Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break. Catch her weekly column, Foodie Underground.