Agricultural skyscrapers: talk about green building, literally. Vertical farming is on the horizon, because in the city, growth is up, not out. In an urban area where there’s no land left on the ground, it’s only the sky that’s the limit.
French architect and Columbia professor, Dickson Despommier, has caught the eye of Manhattan borough President, Scott M. Stringer, with his “living towers” concept, and together they’re holding a vision that might very well reach its potential. As a creative society, we’re finally approaching the ability to create whatever we dream up. Why not this? It’s feasible, necessary and green. Personally, I’m rooting for the pyramid.
So hop on your bikes, city slickers, and head to your local farmers market on the 3rd floor. Rooftop squash is available this time of year, hydroponic tomatoes in December, and the sweetest carrots all year round. Just think of the exotics at your fingertips (guanabana, anyone? Pitaya fruit even?). Local produce, fewer truck deliveries, no pesticides and a place to donate your co-op’s community compost. Now that’s urban development I can get behind.
Image: New York Times/University of Illinois
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