An Energy Efficient Way To Boost Your Green Rebates


We’ve all “heard” about green rebates, but what about turning those mutterings into cold, hard cash?

Evidently, there’s more than $4 billion in eco-rebates out there, just sitting on some contractor or retailer’s shelf – in your zip code, under your nose, literally at your fingertips. According to a 2011 survey from Harris Interactive, only 13% of homeowners make home improvements that allow them to take advantage of these billions. More than 60% of Americans are completely in the dark that they even exist. Ironic, considering that all utility payers (renters, too) pay into these rebate programs via those Delphian surcharges.

Thankfully our intrepid reporting has led us to a free, easy, user-friendly service with a cute interface called Save Big Bread. It’s the Kayak of the home improvement industry with a two-pronged green approach:

1. Customers can save lots of green from their searchable database.

2. Contractors and manufacturers are authorized to provide energy-efficient, rebate-heavy products and services that are beneficial for our planet’s well-being.

Homeowners in the market for prohibitively expensive home improvement items (furnaces, windows, air-conditioning units, solar panels) can get a quote from SaveBigBread linking to state, utility and manufacture programs offering green rebates.

At this point you might be rolling your eyes to the tune of rebates, shmeebates. But we’re not talking $5 off a $78 Very Sexy ® push-up from Victoria’s Secret. These rebates can equate to significant savings worth thousands of dollars.

As a rule, rebates are not as sexy as the Very Sexy ® bra. That’s the fault of bad copywriting.

“These rebates are a mirage,” explains Tony Maull, founder and President of Save Big Bread. “The way they’ve been marketed these programs are not consumer friendly.”

Save Big Bread is about transparency and access to attainable, digestible information.

“What we’ve done is taken on the burden of going into the program sites and structuring that information. We rationalize it and let the consumer choose…the savings, and the people who can do the work authorized by the program.”

They will even help you with the paperwork, ensuring that the rebate materializes not as concept but as actual, spendable cash. Victoria’s Secret is not going to give you that kind of boost.


Image: Installation of the Toncelli Eurocucina at the 2012 International Kitchen Furniture Exhibition in Milan

K. Emily Bond

K. Emily Bond is the Shelter Editor at EcoSalon and currently resides in southern Spain, reporting on trends in art, design, sustainable living and lifestyle.