At a Glance: Top 10 Beauty and Health Stories at EcoSalon

Helpful advice for all your health and beauty questions.

We have so many popular beauty and health stories, we thought we’d do a re-cap for those you may have missed.

1. Parabens, phthalates and Phenylenediamine, oh my! When it comes to making ourselves beautiful, there are lots of ugly ingredients to deal with. Our story on 11 Toxic Cosmetic Ingredients To Avoid is chock full of information that will make you think twice about painting your nails the next trendy color.

2. Can’t Sleep? 20 Natural Tips To Stop Turning And Tossing will put you to sleep (we hope), but not before you learn what might be at the core of your restlessness.

3. Have you ever tried meditation? How about popping a melatonin before plopping your head down? Our story on 7 Natural Sleep Aids will help you train your brain to do something else beside be preoccupied with your daily to-do list.

4. When you think of the Best Organic, Natural, and Eco-Friendly Shampoos For All Hair Types, you might think they will be too drying or not work as well as your more powerful salon-bought brands, but organic and natural products have come a long way. Editor Katherine Butler unveils some new lines that will make you look like you just walked out of a salon.

5. Women Over 40. Long Hair. Welcome To The New Beauty Controversy was a talk-fueling topic amongst readers. After all, why would it be considered “acting out” to have long hair as an over-40 woman? See what everyone has to say about the topic.

6. Remember what it was like to be a little girl with a healthy glow? How about the last  time you went camping and were able to commune with nature instead of your favorite makeup mirror? A Would You Go A Week Without Makeup? study revealed that “8 out of 10 women prefer their female colleagues to wear makeup and the same number of women said they would rather employ a woman who wore makeup than one who didn’t.” So when the world seems to look at makeup like a necessary mask, how does that make us feel about wearing it?

7. I got my nails painted last week in my favorite, non-toxic shade but had no idea that We Are Now A Nail Polish Economy (Say What?). From Cleopatra to a new Volvo campaign promoting the Soa, we women love to interpret mood via our nails.

8. As a society, we spend billions on our hair annually. It’s no wonder Oprah guru Dr. Oz says you should treat your hair like a silk blouse. What Does Our Hair Say About Our Health? will help you consider what your lifestyle is doing to your mop on top.

9. Does your breath feel less than fresh? Is your face oily? Do your lips look dry and flat? Our beauty team tackles these three challenges plus five more in an article on Simple Solutions To 8 Common Beauty Dilemmas.

10. The beauty term hypoallergenic has “been taken to task for false labeling by health officials, consumer advocates, and environmentalists alike. And that’s just the tip of the hypoallergenic iceberg,” says editor Katherine Butler. In Hypoallergenic Beauty Is a Lie: So Why Are We Still Animal Testing? Butler looks at how the term means virtually nothing to companies using it in their marketing.

This article is proudly sponsored by Saffron Rouge for March 2011.

Image: Vincent Boiteau

Amy DuFault

Amy DuFault is a conscious lifestyle writer, consultant and fashion instigator. She resides in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.