Which Type of Kettle is Just Right for Your Tea and Coffee?

What kind of kettle to use?

For those of you still heating water up in the microwave, get with the times and invest in a kettle.

Whether you are tea or coffee drinker, or both, there is a necessity to heat up water to make your brew of choice. And it doesn’t matter whether you want to make a cup of tea or coffee or a whole pot, heating water up properly is key. While there are a variety of options, using the microwave to heat up water for your cold brew coffee or your cup of mint tea just is not satisfactory. The microwave method might have proved necessary in college, you are grownup now and grownups heat up their water properly.

In deciding just what kind of kettle you need, the first choice to make is whether to invest in an electric or stovetop model. There is no right or wrong choice here, there are pros and cons for both. An electric kettle can be more energy efficient than a stovetop form, but the electric model does take up valuable kitchen counter and electrical socket space.

After deciding on electric or stovetop, the choices do get more difficult and rely on your household’s particular beverage habits. If you strictly drink Earl Grey tea, you may make one choice, but if you like cold brew coffee and your partner drinks various kinds of herbal teas, you choose differently. We offer up a few suggestions that just might fit you lifestyle.

The Various Types of Kettles

What kind of kettle to use?

1. Cuisinart Perfectemp Electric Kettle

An electric vessel hat perfect for tea and coffee drinkers alike. You can choose from six heat settings for the just right temperature for tea or coffee. There are six preset temperatures for delicate, green, white, oolong, herbal, black, and French press.


What kind of kettle to use?

2. Le Creuset Whistling Kettle

If you prefer a stovetop pot, one great choice is a cast iron version. It’s also ideal to have a whistling kettle when boiling water on the stove. This option is also available in a variety of colorways.


What kind of kettle to use?

3. Bonavita Electric Gooseneck Temperature

A gooseneck kettle is a must have for those who enjoy making coffee via one of the pour over method like Chemex or Bodum. This model is electric also features variable temperature setting, which makes it suitable for tea or coffee.


What kind of kettle to use?

4. Williams Sonoma Rapid Boil Kettle

Here’s another stovetop option, but this stainless-steel model is designed to boil water 20% faster than traditional stainless-steel kettles making it a more sustainable stovetop choice.

What kind of kettle to use?

5. Breville IQ Kettle

This pot is another option for electric temperature selection, but this model is made from German Schott-glass, which ensures the purest flavor for those who don’t like to boil water in metal.

What kind of kettle to use?6. Stagg Pour Over Kettle

Here’s a pour over option, but for the stovetop as opposed as an electric model. It also also features a built in brew-range thermometer for making your hot beverage just right.

*Disclaimer: Help support EcoSalon! Our site is dedicated to helping people live a conscious lifestyle. We’ve provided some affiliate links above in case you wish to purchase any of these products.

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Jen Wallace

Jen Wallace shares her indie life by writing about making, creating, cooking, learning, playing, decorating, and pretty much anything else that strikes her fancy from indie biz tips to the modern history of the American hemline.