DIY Dip: Vegan Roasted Garlic and Beets Recipe

beets recipe vegan dip

Beets are one of my favorite root vegetables to work with. They also taste quite unlike anything else, a mixture of sugary and earthy, making them ideal for both sweet and savory dishes. 

Beets are blood cleansers, packed with vitamins and minerals and actually considered a natural aphrodisiac [PDF]. Flavor and health benefits aside, beets give the most incredible color to any dish they are in. This beets recipe for a savory dip is infused with the deep flavor of roasted garlic and softened with the cooling, creamy backdrop of thick coconut milk. 

You can pair this beets recipe with roasted pita bread (whole-wheat or whole-grain, preferably), crackers or vegetable crudités. You could also use it as a condiment in sandwiches or just do as I do and eat by the spoonful as a snack to curb hunger. Enjoy!

DIY Dip: Roasted Garlic and Beets Recipe

Serves about 6


  • 1 bunch (about 5 individual) beets
  • 1 head garlic
  • 1 cup thick coconut milk (or unsweetened coconut milk yogurt)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh dill, finely chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Scrub beets until clean (they can sometimes be quite dirty). Cut off the stems so only stubs remain (don’t throw beet greens away, they’re delicious too!). Cut 1 centimeter off the top of a head of garlic. Place beets and garlic on a cooking tray lined with parchment paper. Pop into the oven for about 1 hour. The garlic will cook more quickly, so you can remove that after about 30 minutes – keep an eye on the garlic head so that it doesn’t burn.

Remove beets from the oven and let cool so that you can comfortably touch them with your hands. Remove the skins from all beets. Then squeeze one end of the head of the garlic so that the individual cloves slip out from the cut end. Place both the beets and garlic into a food processor. Blend until smooth.

In a bowl, add the coconut milk and fold into the beet mixture, salt, pepper, and dill, reserving a teaspoon of the dill for presentation later. Fold the mixture together until evenly combined. Serve with the remaining dill as a garnish.

Related on EcoSalon:

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Photo CreditDag Endresen