Make Your Mark with Design-It-Yourself Speakers


Whistle while you work on these very cool cardboard speakers. Designed as an eco-friendly kit with six colored pencils to get you on the road to doodle heaven, the DIY speaker boxes are made with 70% recycled materials that wipe clean when you have completed your masterpiece. They feature a plug and play design and universal compatibility and are among the clever green gadgets from Merkury’s Eco Nation line of products. $18 at Urban Outfitters.

Bet your talent and imagination could outdo the example below! Perhaps not, but give it a try just the same.

Before And After

diy-before diy-after

The same company also makes the little cuties below from recycled materials. The pink Neo Speakers or the Eco Speakers, $14.95, are said to sound pretty great. Each speaker folds flat for convenient storage and batteries required. Both can be ordered at Merkury’s Fashionnation.

neo-speakers eco-speakers

Luanne Bradley

Luanne Sanders Bradley is the West coast Editor at EcoSalon and currently resides in San Francisco, California.