Think fashion and technology are the way of the future when it comes to tapping into our emotions, charging cell phones or just wearing “living jewelry?”
Then if in New York City, head over to Parsons, The New School for Design on November 19, 2010 to hear alumni of the school’s tech program as well as other noted experts speak about the contextualizing of wearable technology.
A free event and the first of hopefully many symposiums on how fashion is quickly advancing into celebrating the garment electric, experts in the field will talk about visionary projects that aren’t just talk – but real life designs that you can touch, wear and see.
A book talk and launch at Parsons by symposium founder and Assistant Professor of Fashionable Technology Dr. Sabine Seymour will present her new book Functional Aesthetics, which explores projects “between the poles of fashion, design, technology, and sciences.”
According to a release, Dr. Seymour is using the opportunity of the launch of her new book in the USA “to gather a select group of experts in the field of fashion, technology, and design to ignite a critical discourse in this ever growing field of Fashionable Technology.”
A workshop following the launch will introduce participants to paper electronics and how to build simple circuits while a social reception and exhibition following will feature pieces from Ripcurl’s Heated Wetsuit, Droog’s Gluejeans,, Lost Value’s Zippy kits and lflect hats, SUN Shirts, miCoach from Adidas as well as paper electronics by Cecilia Elguero & Paola Guimera.
For more information on the event or to RSVP go here.