Gratitude and Feminism: That Happened


ColumnGratitude is a big deal this time of year. Here are five things that have happened this year (so far!) that I am grateful for.

1. Wendy Davis Secured her Spot as a National Figure

My personal Superbowl took place June 27 when Wendy Davis tied on her pink sneakers and performed a 13-hour filibuster to prevent the passing of an incredibly restrictive anti-choice law in Texas. The bad news is that, as of November 20, The Supreme Court cleared the way for Texas to enforce strict abortion regulations that will close at least one third of the state’s clinics. The good news is that Davis’ attempt to protect the women of Texas made her a national figure and she’s running for Governor. Stand with Wendy!

2. Ash Beckham’s TED Talk Went Viral

Ash Beckham’s TED Talk, Coming Out of Your Closet, is so much more than a talk about a how a woman handles being mistaken for a boy. It is a beautiful take on facing the fear of being yourself and sharing yourself with the world. Since her talk has picked up steam, Beckham has used her popularity for good. She shares inspiring coming out stories of all kinds on her Facebook page.

3. “Orange Is the New Black” Brought ALL of the Awesome

The new Netflix trend of releasing entire seasons of a series at once is magical for a binger like me. This year brought us the long-awaited return of “Arrested Development” and, I think, one of the most socially interesting and entertaining shows of the year, “Orange Is the New Black.” With great roles for women, women of color and trans actresses, I am on edge waiting for season two.

4. Lululemon Exposed

See-through pants led to the exposure of Chip Wilson as a total douche as he fat-shamed women on national TV—and then Stephen Colbert shamed him right back. This brand has irked me for a long time (for eco-washing, Ayn Rand-loving and general creepiness), but I’m hoping that this year’s PR mess will be the last straw for many women. Let’s all set a mantra together, shall we? “My values are more important than a cute ass. I will not shop at Lululemon. I will buy woman-friendly, eco-friendly yoga and athletic clothes.”

5. Gay Marriage Picked Up Steam

We’re long overdue for total marriage equality in this country, but some states caught up this year, including my home state, Illinois. We’re number 16!

To be sure, there are a lot of things to hate on right now, too. It has been a truly shit year for rape culture and abortion—and don’t even get me going on Return of the Kings. But I will save that list for Christmas.

Image: Ash Beckham

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