Guest Post: BeThree on Jack of All, Master of All – the Coconut


You love it in your cocktails, your lotion, and your macaroons. You’re cuckoo for coconuts. But in your butter and oil? Well, according to Bruce Fife , Director of The Coconut Research Center, and author of The Coconut Oil Miracle and Coconut Cures, coconut oil and coconut butter are as rich and creamy as the cow kind, but unlike animal fats, they’re actually good for you. Why? Fife gave us the 411:

The Fat Facts: Traditional butter has the dangerous long-chain fats that clog arteries. The coconut variety has medium chain fatty acids (or MCFA’s) that our bodies burn more easily for energy. They also reduce cholesterol and heart disease (the number one killer of women).

Bacteria Killer: What would you rather ingest: Animal fats that ooze nasty toxins or coconut oils that are rich in lauric acid, known as the destroyer of viruses and bad bacteria? According to Dr. Fife, “Coconut oil is perhaps the strongest antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal dietary supplement you can get without a doctor’s prescription.”

It kills the bad stuff that causes “ulcers, sinus infections, bladder infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and many other illnesses,” says Dr. Fife. Did we mention yeast infections? There is a god!

Breast Is Best: If that doesn’t get you, this will: Coconut oil is one of the closest foods on the planet to breast milk given its immunity-boosting properties. Mama mia!

Sub It All: Substitute your butters and oils you use for cooking and baking with coconut oil. Our faves…

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Image: bionicteaching