Lamb Acts Like a Dog, Makes the World Fall in Love with Her [Video]

Lamb Acts Like a Dog, Makes the World Fall in Love with Her [Video]

OMG, you guys! This lamb acting like a puppy is just about the most totes-adorbs thing you’ll ever see. Seriously. In 100 years when you’re on your death bed, you’ll ask someone to dig this video up and play it for you one more time.

Find Jill on Twitter @jillettinger

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Jill Ettinger

Jill Ettinger is a Los Angeles-based journalist and editor focused on the global food system and how it intersects with our cultural traditions, diet preferences, health, and politics. She is the senior editor for sister websites and, and works as a research associate and editor with the Cornucopia Institute, the organic industry watchdog group. Jill has been featured in The Huffington Post, MTV, Reality Sandwich, and Eat Drink Better.