Link Love: Pharrell in Pink + Free College in Germany + Millennials Have Clothes Issues


This week’s Link Love, we feature a delicious crisp potato recipe, fab news out of Germany where anyone can go to college tuition-free (even foreigners), Pharrell rocking pink, living on water and why millennials can’t care for their clothes.

Are you a millennial? Chances are you’re caring for your clothes all wrong. [via Ecouterre]

OMG. College for anyone in Germany is now totally F R E E even for foreigners. [via Slate]

Drool. Crispy smashed potatoes with avocado garlic aioli. [via Oh She Glows]

Pharrell looks amazing in pink, and you can too. [via Vogue]

Could you live on 16 cups of water a day? [Via Eat Drink Better]

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Image via Vogue