A round-up of what we’re reading right now.
Keeping a journal is the cheapest, easiest form of professional development out there. [Via The Daily Muse]
Soy latte? Double espresso? Iced Vanilla Mint Frappuccino, heavy on the whipped? See what your coffee order reveals to a potential lover. [Via HowAboutWe]
A round-up of the best international design hotels from the land down under. [Via Casa Sugar]
What most people fail to mention about training for a triathlon. [Via Shape]
A list of bicycle don’ts published in 1895 includes such classics as, “Don’t be a fright,” and “Don’t wear laced boots. They are tiresome.” [Via Brainpickings]
What do marshmallows, pie crust, and Caesar salad dressing have in common? They’re all off-limits for strict vegetarians. [Via Small Kitchen College]
Imagine a hotel floor where all the rooms came with bath salts, skirt hangers, and fresh flowers. Ahh. [Via Learnvest]
Eat your way to sunburn-resistance. [Via Organic Authority]
Does being unique make you an elitist? [Via New York Times]
Image: Sean McGrath