Lustables: Earth-Inspired Hand-Tufted Rugs

Welcome the outside in with these lush, earthy rugs.

Portland, Maine-based design house Angela Adams sources the wildly-changing landscape of its environs for its collection of richly textured and colored hand-tufted rugs. Seasonal shifts and the mercurial ocean are among several themes inspired by the sometimes rough-hewn qualities of Maine during any season, which are then pelted into two-dimensional representations.

Representations that could just as easily find a space on a wall, in a garden or on a dock. However, like the earthiness that inspires much of Adams’ collection, these creations are meant to be trudged and sat upon. And forever admired.

Materials include 100% New Zealand wool and cotton canvas backing. For more of the lush, artisanal collection, visit the company website.

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K. Emily Bond

K. Emily Bond is the Shelter Editor at EcoSalon and currently resides in southern Spain, reporting on trends in art, design, sustainable living and lifestyle.