A for Apple, B is for Beluga, C is for Chullo. Pretty baby!
Parents on planet Hollywood and elsewhere are headed in that fruity, foamy and woolly direction in declaring devotion to Mama Earth via naming their young.
In the roaring Nineties, when real estate and dot comers were soaring, we saw a return to the Old Testament with the names Sarah, Jacob, Rachel and Eli in vogue.
“Eve and Adam, please leave the great room until Mommy is finished closing her Genentech deal.”
Now that resources are scarcer than ever, green is the rule for everything cool. Nature-bound moms and dads can reference all good things from fiber foods and soothing teas to fair trade crafts and endangered species in getting that family branding just right.
Here is an A-to-Z reference guide on the eco-friendliest labels for your bouncing baby Gore:
Boho (boy) Bark (girl)
Jungle (boy) Jute (girl)
Kale (boy) Kharma (girl)
Leonardo (boy) Laurie David (girl)
Marsh (boy) Mauritius (girl)
Otter (boy) Oolong (girl)
Stevia (boy) Sprig (girl)
Tiger (boy) Teak (girl)
Urban (boy) Urial (girl)
Xeri (boy, girl)
*For catchy middle names with eco associations, we at EcoSalon suggest: Bradley, Sara, Amy, Tina, Irani, Vanessa, Barrington, Derby, Fitzsimmons, Chaityn or Lewis.
Share with us what you have namestormed!
Image: Will Foster