When you decide to make changes in your life to reflect a more environmentally responsible lifestyle, the first place many of turn to for information is the web. There are plenty of green blogs with terrific information (ahem!), but if you’re looking for one of the best definitive and all-encompassing websites out there, be sure to bookmark National Geographic’s Green Guide.
Accumulating tips on green living is great but when you want to dig into the reasons why the choices we make are important, the Green Guide is a terrific resource. There are scads of articles that dig into the science of subjects like allergies and the toxins in modern cooking equipment. Other articles are packed with information on the efficacy of carbon offsets and where to find eco-friendly ales.
Many of the green choices we make as adults are for the betterment of future generations. The Green Guide has a whole offers sections devoted to bringing today’s youth into the fold with stories on where to find sweat-free college sweatshirts to throwing tot-oriented birthday parties that give back. There’s even an entire section devoted to babies and toddlers who want to live eco-friendly but just don’t know it yet.
The Green Guide isn’t just for people new to the eco-aware way of life – there’s plenty of information for people who’ve been living sustainably for years. Be sure to check out the many quizzes sprinkled throughout the website to brush up on your knowledge on topics like global warming and cutting gas emissions. Technology changes so fast that there might be new developments you haven’t even heard about yet.
Of course, you don’t want to give up reading your favorite green blogs, but be sure to add National Geographic’s Green Guide to your arsenal of tools that keep you up to date on the latest in eco-living. Oh, and of course, the articles have the coolest pictures around.