Qmilk’s Milk Fiber Fabric: Turning Food into Fashion Using Renewable Resources

Photo of Qmilk product and supplies

As if fashion couldn’t get anymore capacious, Qmilk’s milk fiber fabric strutted onto the scene. Thanks to the founder, Anke Domaske, we’ve now been presented with a fresh, new vision into a unique type of renewable resource.

Wearable milk. Yes, this is an actual thing …at least according to German-based company, Qmilk. And I’m not talking about the milk you spilled on your shirt when you were dipping your cookies (tsk, tsk!). I’m talking about milk no longer healthy for human ingestion that is repurposed through a sustainable process that transforms it into fibers. That’s right folks, fibers from milk.

The idea behind Qmilk came to fruition when Domaske was looking for clothing that hadn’t been chemically altered for her stepfather who was ill with cancer. That’s when the thought of using milk proteins peaked her curiosity. Milk proteins had been toyed with before back in the 1930s, but like most things, had also crossed paths with undesirable chemicals. So Domaske set out to create her own natural alternative with just 200 euros (about $270) in a kitchen with supplies and appliances from a grocery store. Talk about starting from the ground up!

Think about how much milk gets pushed to the back of the fridge, completely forgotten about for a week or so, just sitting and curdling. The beginning stages of fashion happening right there in your very refrigerator. Unbelievable, right? In Germany alone, it’s estimated that 1.9 billion tons of milk gets tossed per year. Thankfully, Qmilk now exists to help efficiently extract certain properties from raw milk and give them a second life as milk fiber fabric.

The milk protein called casein is the main ingredient that goes through a metamorphosis to eventually emerge as a beautiful textile fiber that is just as soft as silk. With its cutting-edge technology and exclusive recipe, Qmilk has managed to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to cost and time efficiency. Only five minutes and two liters of water are needed to produce one kilogram of milk fiber! That also means fewer CO2 emissions, which we can all appreciate.

Qmilk also prides itself on being biodegradable, using 100 percent renewable resources, and having absolutely zero chemical additives. Along with all of those wonderful things, Qmilk conducts a series of thorough tests for harsh substances and dermatological tests to ensure it is gentle for the skin and body. Qmilk’s milk fiber fabric is naturally antibacterial so that makes it perfect to wear for anyone who has any sort of textile allergy! This company also cares where its raw spoiled milk comes from by taking into consideration the care and well being of the animals of the suppliers.

It doesn’t stop here! Qmilk is dipping its feet into the medical, home textile, and automotive worlds as well. It’s all about the lush interior luxury for automobiles and that awesome antibacterial quality for medical and home purposes. Qmilk has graciously paved a whole new road for the term “eco-friendly.” Although the beauty of science is behind this, let’s make believe that it is pure magic, because let’s be honest, Qmilk is pretty spectacular.

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Image via Qmilk