You may not be a biker babe, but you are probably a gal who needs a jacket.
Thanks to Raw Earth Wild Sky, we have a Motocross jacket that fulfills both needs.
Each of their organic pieces are hand-made in Los Angeles with signature details including deconstructed seams and raw hems, novelty hand-dyed, hand-stamped and hand-painted techniques along with interesting trims applied in unusual ways to create a raw, unique feel for each piece. Their garments are all produced using low-impact dyes (less metal, oil and water) in dye houses that use recycled water to reduce their label’s impact on the environment.
“The look is beautifully relaxed and broken-in, yet well crafted. We use only the best organic and other sustainable fabrics and earth-friendly methods in our lines creation,” says the Raw Earth Wild Sky website.
A little background info: Designers Karen Kananen, a native Californian and Brit Samantha Robinson met roughly 14 years ago while working at the same company in Los Angeles and became great friends. They cite their intense love of fashion and concern for planet, along with the births of their daughters (now 9 and 8 respectively) as the driving force behind their decision to start their label. (Leave it to children to make you want to save the planet a little longer).
While many years of experience working the markets in L.A., London and New York have brought their cumulative experiences to their own label’s table, the two continue to evolve, most recently with Kananen’s designing behind contemporary label, ‘eco-ganik’ taking it from ‘birth’ in 2004 to $1.8 million in two years – selling to many well-known and influential stores like Macy’s and Anthropologie.
But on this day, for this week only, the only thing that matters is this pretty little jacket. You like?
Well then leave a comment below letting us know how much and we’ll get you in the running to win.
In the meantime, I’ll be reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance pondering values…