Sex by Numbers: Guilty as Charged Edition

A weekly look at sex and culture, by the numbers.

What a week it’s been for the Ecosalon Sex by Numberettes. We’ve had gay sex outlaws, yoga orgasms and Canadian divorces (and it’s only Thursday). Look out, weekend.

21 percent: respondents who claimed they would be willing to give up sex for a year before giving up Internet access

6 months: possible jail time for two American men on a gay cruise accused of “buggery” during a stop in Dominica

260 million: value of the most recent lawsuit brought against American Apparel CEO Dov Charney

3: number of women in Zimbabwe who have been arrested for forcibly taking semen from hitchhikers

124: Women who have experienced exercise-induced orgasms, according to a recent study at Indiana University

90 days: amount of time a Canadian couple attempting to divorce must avoid having casual sex with each other before their request is granted

Image: Paulina Clemente

Mallory Ortberg

Mallory resides in San Francisco, California. You can catch her weekly Sex By Numbers column.