Hide and Sleek


Putting stock in Stockholm’s abandoned dwellings, Swedish designer Katarina Häll embellishes clean, white pine planks with multi-colored boards in her collection called SAVE furniture.

The chest of drawers, desk, stool and closet which debuted in Milan are based on our needs to keep secrets safe. She says she drew inspiration from old boarded-up cottages in her native Sweden, which were forgotten and bolted shut, windows barred to keep our the curious. Meantime, treasures lurked inside, hidden under the wooden floors.

The Swedish designer recalled her own family’s big white house which was filled with riddles and secrets. “One morning during summer break, before mum and dad had woken, my grandfather showed me one of his hidings,” she says. “It laid under a loose board in his bedroom and contained a mixture of letters, photos, small metal jars and ornaments. Today the house is barred. Wide planks cover the windows and doors. The hide-out still awaits me inside.”


Indeed, she has provided hidden compartments for your secret stash via a board that lifts up much like the floorboards in grandpa’s room. It conjures memories of the old days when we actually stored our treasures in a tactile place rather than under the lock and key of a secret password on our computers.

Images: Adam Craft for Katarina Häll

Luanne Bradley

Luanne Sanders Bradley is the West coast Editor at EcoSalon and currently resides in San Francisco, California.