ColumnNatalie Chanin’s bi-weekly column, Material Witness, offers a seasoned designer’s perspective on the fashion…
Alabama Chanin
Natalie Chanin: One Woman’s Testament to Thread and Needle
ColumnEditor’s note: This is the first installment of Natalie Chanin’s new bi-weekly fashion column at EcoSalon. M…
Green: The Color and the Cause Exhibits At The Textile Museum in D.C.
Green is a complex issue as illustrated in this new textile exhibition in Washington, D.C. There is no doubt that new di…
Top 15 Online Eco-Boutiques
The best eco-friendly boutiques online. Eco-boutiques are popping up all over the web thanks to visionary retailers will…
An EcoSalon Exclusive Offer: Announcing…The Box!
ExclusiveEcoSalon partners with top green companies for an amazing Earth Day product offer and charity donation. We̵…
A Love for One’s Thread and the Doo-Nanny
How a road trip through the rural South created deeper connections. With spring rituals now officially underway, there i…
The CFDA and Lexus Announce the Eco-Fashion Finalists
Sustainable fashion just got another big push from mainstream, this time by Lexus and the Council of Fashion Designers o…
A Bureau of Friends That’s Built to Last
Maria Moyer and Julie Gilhart Just when you think you’ve met the most amazing woman, three more walk through the d…