In an attempt to prevent shark attacks, the Australian government has proposed a plan that can only be described as horr…
Vegetarians In Australia Get Cheaper Life Insurance!
Ever wonder if vegetarians really live longer? An Australian life insurance company is banking on it. Eating a plant-bas…
5 Beautiful Urban Parks in Unlikely Places
Like people, beautiful parks come in all shapes and sizes. Here are five urban parks that enhance their surroundings by …
Kakadu Plum: The New Superfood?
For the past few years, the world has been caught up in a superfood phenomenon. With an increased emphasis on maintainin…
Daily Track: Little Surprises – Julia and the Deep Sea Sirens
Every day is better with a new track. Little Surprises by juliaandthedeepseasirens Every day we bring you one track for…
Daily Track: Caves – Founds
Every day is better with a new track. Caves by Founds Every day we bring you one track for a little musical inspiration…
Daily Track: Gasoline – Alpine
Every day is better with a new track. Gasoline by alpineband Every day we bring you one track for a little musical insp…
Daily Track: Dance Bear – Snakadaktal
Because every day is better with a new track. Snakadaktal – Dance Bear by iohyouparty Every day we bring you one t…