Embrace that healthy life. In a week that includes famous quotes for healthy living and things you’ll never hear a…
Moody? PMSing? Just Plain Annoyed? 5 Ways to Kick It
For some of us, a bad mood crawls up your spine unnoticed until you’re glaring at your significant other for a reason yo…
10 Aphrodisiacs for a Cold Winter’s Night
The snow is flying and the fog is rolling in, so there’s no better time for getting comfortable between the sheets. But …
10 Natural Aphrodisiacs for a Cold Winter’s Night
The snow is flying and the fog is rolling in, so there’s no better time for getting comfortable between the sheets. But …
A Waist Is a Terrible Thing to Waste
That title is maybe too far a stretch, but after last week’s feasting, stretching – and more crucially, constraini…
5 Reasons Not to Wash Daily
Regular bathing is for the birds, or so touted some in a recent article from the New York Times, “Great Unwashed R…
Pretty Versus Smart: Can’t a Woman Be Both?
If you are a woman, you are generally first judged by your looks. And in other news, kittens are cute, babies are cuddly…
Dirty, Sexy Pill: A History of Birth Control
If you haven’t heard, there’s been a little thing called Health Care Reform buzzing around the country for the past coup…