There are a lot of people my age who yammer on endlessly about the demise of snail mail. These people love to wax nostal…
How Low Can They Go? New Computer to Go for the Same Price as a Curry Dinner
Necessity, it’s said, is the mother of invention. Small wonder, then, that a new small wonder designed to put comp…
Green? Perhaps. But iPads Don’t Grow on Trees
Billed as the greenest-of-the-green-tech gadgets, enter the iPad – a blockbuster with staying power, enjoying colo…
5 Solar-Powered Gadgets We Love
I’m just a wee bit crazy for all my electronic devices, but all the expensive power they use? Not so much. Solar-p…
So Long 4-H, Howdy FarmVille! Fastest Growing Social Game Ever Has Users Thinking Green
FarmVille is the green place to be for city folk reaping the rewards of rural relationships and cooperation through good…