Taking an odd ingredient and finding even more unusual uses for it. It’s not so much that the following uses are particu…
Dog Food
Of Course You Don’t Feed Your Dog Chicken Beaks or Feathers. Or Do You?
Had it not been for the sweeping pet-food recall of 2007, most consumers would’ve remained unaware of the sketchy …
How to Make Your Own Organic Doggy Ice Cream
Nothing beats the heat quite like a tasty ice cream treat. As the temperatures heat up, so does your fur-coat-wearing do…
Easy and Affordable Organic DIY Dog Food Recipes
Anyone who has ever loved and cared for a pet knows how deep and all-encompassing the affection between human and canine…
10 Reasons Why the Planet Loves My Dog
This is the third in Luanne’s new lifestyle column, Life in the Green Lane. Read the inaugural column, “The …