How organized is your Gmail account? Yeah, that’s what I thought. These tips can help. If you’re like me, yo…
15 Ways That Are Better for Corresponding Than Email
Email is old news, and it’s getting less efficient by the day. Chances are, you’re still using email for all…
The Goldberg Variations: Big Brother Is Watching You Type
There are a lot of people my age who yammer on endlessly about the demise of snail mail. These people love to wax nostal…
Want to Save the Planet? Have Your (Snail) Mail Scanned
Finland’s new mail program hopes to cut costs and decrease pollution. According to the Telegraph, a new system lau…
Geek Hack: My Monthly Cycles Email Alerts
I like life’s special little surprises: a dozen roses mysteriously appearing at the doorstep, some birds nesting r…