Topshop recently launched its third “Reclaim to Wear” capsule collection—an upcycled collection from the label From Some…
Fast Fashion
Fashion Stylist to the Rescue: Break Your Fast Fashion Addiction with a Well Coiffed Closet
Is a closet fashion stylist the answer to our clothing and confidence issues? Sustainability is on the minds of many fa…
Livia Firth: Fast Fashion is Speeding Up Climate Change…Fast
Climate change. Global warming. Whatever you call it, weird things—dangerous things—are happening to our weather, our oc…
OpenKnit: DIY Digital Clothing Loom Disrupting Fast Fashion
Got an hour to kill? Knit yourself a jumper with the open-source digital loom called OpenKnit. OpenKnit is the open-sour…
Urban Outfitters’ KSU Sweatshirt: A Blood Stain on Our Fashion Obsession
Urban Outfitters’ latest fashion faux pas–its “Vintage Kent State Sweatshirt”–reminds us why “fashion …
Can Fast Fashion Brand H&M Change the Textile Industry in Ethiopia for the Better?
H&M, the poster child for confusing fashion—is it sustainable and responsible or not?—is poised to boost the quality…
Lastbutnotleast’s Upcycled Clothing Ideas Will Have You Thinking Twice About Cheap Fashion
Hong Kong based upcycling brand, Lastbutnotleast, is stepping up to the plate to take a swing against mass production, i…
‘The Next Black’: Must-Watch Film About the Future of Clothing Will Knock Your Socks Off [Video]
As fast fashion pervades our culture, eco fashion alternatives are rising to meet the challenges. Don’t think so? …