In recent years, some studies — albeit controversial studies — have suggested that marijuana can have adverse affects on…
High School
From the Sandbox to Syria — Tribe, Ego and Decision Making: HyperKulture
ColumnQuick: The Beatles or the Stones? Ginger or Mary Ann? Bomb Syria or don’t bomb Syria? It’s silly to equate t…
Reinventing the Schoolhouse
Futuristic, pretty, handmade, techie, and minimalist schools make high school look more fun than it really is. Not tha…
Teachers Teach, Parents Parent, But Leave Huck Finn Alone
Even when the writer isn’t Mark Twain, changing someone’s words is tricky business. I’ve always said the best editors ar…
The Goldberg Variations: Save the Planet, OMG!
When my daughter told me she had joined a club at school called “Silent Earth,” I felt a moment of pure maternal panic. …