Due to the common use of assisted reproductive technology, twins and triplets are now subconsciously labeled “natu…
BPA and Infertility: What’s Really Going On?
BPA, or Biphensol A, has become the scourge of environmentalists and health advocates. And rightly so – the chemical has…
Women’s Roundup, Hear Us Roar
Rather than raise our voices, we girls at EcoSalon prefer to write about it, because if you need to scream, my guess is …
Congress Gets Tough on Infertility-Causing Chemicals
Five years ago, a group of women’s health advocates met with scientists in California to discuss creeping infertil…
4 Things I’ve Learned From My Period
As a fertility advocate, I often think about all the parts of being a woman. For much of our lives as women, we are rule…
Common Chemical Linked to Female Infertility
Perfluorochemicals (PFC), found in many common household items, have been linked to female infertility in a recent Danis…