Dubai, Kwait, Qatar, et al: a Disneyworld of senseless “innovation.” Don’t they have the world’s…
Mini Solar Bonsai Tree Powers Your Gadgets (No Watering Required)
While not exactly embarking on a grand plan to steal Mother Nature’s secret of photosynthesis (like those crazy Ch…
Does Energy Grow on Trees? You Bet.
A million years ago when I was young, photosynthesis was one of the first “big words” I learned. And, unlike…
How Low Can They Go? New Computer to Go for the Same Price as a Curry Dinner
Necessity, it’s said, is the mother of invention. Small wonder, then, that a new small wonder designed to put comp…
Would You, Could You in a Box?
Next time you’re planning a bash and thinking about ordering in, maybe go all the way and order all of it in ̵…
Making It Real: GM Announces Warranty for Chevy Volt
I enjoyed going to annual auto shows when I was a kid, checking out the concept cars, getting that special “glimps…
Encouraging City Growth: Urban Farming Grows Up
When I first started hearing the term “urban farming,” I’d think about either my grandparents’ s…
Mercedes and Beemer Up the Electric Ante
With their impending releases later this year – and what we really hope is an honest-to-goodness demand for electr…