If taking the hassle and guesswork out of revamping your home sounds like a breath of fresh air, then you’ll want to che…
Stone + Cloth: Rucksacks and iPad Cases That Carry a Cause
Stone + Cloth rucksacks and iPad cases help provide education in Tanzania. Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro can be an incredibly …
Getting Rustic With a Walnut iPad Holder
This one-of-a-kind iPad stand is made from sustainable or reclaimed Oregon black walnut. Nothing is as timeless, …
How Low Can They Go? New Computer to Go for the Same Price as a Curry Dinner
Necessity, it’s said, is the mother of invention. Small wonder, then, that a new small wonder designed to put comp…
Crush and Carry: Bags Made from Recycled Cork
As Benjamin Franklin said, “Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.” While Frank…
Green? Perhaps. But iPads Don’t Grow on Trees
Billed as the greenest-of-the-green-tech gadgets, enter the iPad – a blockbuster with staying power, enjoying colo…
EcoMeme: Can Cloud Computing Have a Green Lining?
Lust for Apple’s iPad reached a fevered pitch the second the company allowed pre-orders online (March 12th). We an…
E-Readers: Cute as a Button or a Real Page Burner?
E-readers are spineless compared with hardcover books, lacking the soulful carbon fingerprints of readers past. You cann…