Sometimes, you don’t need words to express yourself perfectly. Words, words, words – we live in a world where word…
Katherine Butler
Women on Film: That Bump Bump Bumpin’ on the Music
A young Pearl Bailey reminds us to take some time to embrace the rhythm. As we age, so might our confidence. And this is…
Women on Film: How Not to Care Like Melissa McCarthy
Megan, of the movie Bridesmaids, remembers the joy of just being yourself. If you work from home, you often make interes…
Women on Film: Channeling Confidence
Helen Mirren’s Queen Elizabeth I shows us how to behave in the face of adversity. Anyone who believes life is easy proba…
Women on Film: Body Snark as Universal Women Speak
Body snark is the universal language of women, translating across all cultures. Getting a professional manicure is like …
Women on Film: Surviving a Hot Tin Roof
A weekend with the in-laws, an alcoholic husband and a slinky white slip push emotions to the forefront. As children, we…
The Branding of Occupy Wall Street
How far will the branding of Occupy Wall Street go? For anyone born after 1965, the current political climate feels like…
Women on Film: How to be a Femme Fatale
Rita Hayworth’s Gilda was the ultimate femme fatale, but do we want to emulate her? Becoming a classic Hollywood femme f…