When the temperatures drop, it’s easy to let down your guard and forget about sun safety. It may not be warm in the wint…
Behind The Label: The Safe Sunscreen Debate
Not all sunscreens are created equal. Every summer for the past decade, the media has issued staunch advisories remindin…
The Best U.S. Cities for Skin—Where Does Your City Rank?
Where you live can affect your skin as much as whether or not you wear sunscreen. If you drink plenty of water and apply…
10 Infographics on Skin Care
Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every two hours. Your skin is the largest organ in your body—the one that keeps …
Now Even Your Sunscreen Will Kill You
There are pesticides on our food, so we eat organic. There are chemicals in our products, so we buy eco-friendly. There …
Things That Will Probably Kill You, Vol. 3
This week’s medical news comes with a heaping side order of mixed messages. Tanning is bad! (But you already knew …