Just because you like to move your booty to the music doesn’t mean you have to support sexism in the process. Keep…
Can I Listen to Sexist Music as a Conscientious Person? The Cognitive Dissonance Two-Step
You’re an intentional, conscientious person, but that same song that gets your booty shakin’ contains elemen…
This Solar-Powered Concert Hall Doubles As A Musical Instrument!
When entering a concert hall or gallery, we expect to encounter art inside. But why restrict the performance to the stag…
If You Love Lorde, This All-Women’s Acapella Version of Royals Will Knock Your Socks Off (Video)
The AcaBelles at Florida State University took on one of the most popular songs of the fall when they put together an a…
10 Songs For the End of a Long Road
An exclusive EcoSalon playlist for the end and everything after. FIN by BehindTheWalk-In…
10 Songs To Play On Your New iPhone 5 in Public
An exclusive EcoSalon playlist to prove you’re just as awesome as your new phone. You know your just dying to show…
10 Songs To Help You Pull Your Baby From Your Vagina Like Kourtney Kardashian
An exclusive EcoSalon playlist for moments of birth. Because sometimes… you just gotta reach for the baby. KK by B…
Playlist: Ray-Ban Exclusive Volume 8
An exclusive EcoSalon playlist to be played while wearing your hippest set of shades. The eighth edition in our series o…