15 good reasons to approach the season of cocktails and cookies with healthy aplomb. Caring about our weight is part of …
Top 10 Stories in Food You May Have Missed
A roundup of some of our favorite food related articles. It’s no secret: here at EcoSalon we’re big on food.…
Boost Your Brain with the 20 Smartest Foods on Earth
Simply put, your brain likes to eat. And it likes powerful fuel: quality fats, antioxidants, and small, steady amounts o…
Foodie Underground: It’s Not What We Eat, It’s How We Eat It
ColumnMichael Pollan discusses our unhealthy obsession with singling out foods for their individual properties instead o…
The Conscious Case Against Veganism
Why the sustainable path may not lead to veganism. For nearly a decade, I was an evangelical vegan – a born-again,…
7 Tips to Soothe Menstrual Cramps
“Only women bleed,” crones a 1970s ballad by Alice Cooper. To which we should say, “Yes. Yes we do.” Call it Aunt Flo, t…
Moody? PMSing? Just Plain Annoyed? 5 Ways to Kick It
For some of us, a bad mood crawls up your spine unnoticed until you’re glaring at your significant other for a reason yo…
Foodie Underground: Are You Abnormal?
For Thanksgiving I found myself staying in a yurt near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. There was a small propane stove and no run…