When the world is in unrest, people start taking action. And some of that action is more esoteric than other forms of ac…
9 Pieces of Anatomy-Themed Merch to Help You Smash the Patriarchy
Show your disdain for the patriarchy with your love for the female body and all its greatness with this anatomy-themed m…
What Do Women Really Want in ‘Being Wanted’? Sexual Healing
What do women really want? That is a question that has long been mired in confusion and even subterfuge. You can blame t…
Toxic Masculinity and Your Sex Life: How Do They Relate? Sexual Healing
We’re in the midst of major teachable moment, thanks to the sheer awfulness of the recent Isla Vista event and #YesAllWo…
The Real Reason Female Sexuality Has Been Repressed for Millennia: Sexual Healing
Stereotypes about female sexuality are mostly a load of bunk, and they’re hurting our sex and love lives. ENOUGH A…