If you eat well, does it mean you’re part of the one percent? A comment that I get a lot in response to writing ab…
Real Food
20 Other Things the $20 Million for Soylent Could Have Gone To: Foodie Underground
What if we didn’t invest in food replacements like Soylent, but real food instead? Unless you somehow missed what …
McDonald’s New Advertising Proves the Fast Food Chain Really is Evil (And Not Because It Hates Kale): Foodie Underground
McDonald’s does not have your best interest at heart. I saw a video last week from a new McDonald’s advertis…
The Fight for 15, Poverty and Our Broken Food and Economic Systems: Foodie Underground
The Fight for 15 is a reminder that the question of food is also a question of economics. Cheap burgers and fries produc…
Good Food Isn’t Perfect: Foodie Underground
Good food doesn’t have to be perfect, just real. When it comes to food, what is perfection? Is it a perfectly form…
10 Haikus About Real Food: Foodie Underground
The beauty of real food boiled down into simple words. Eat real food, and eat well. Usually Foodie Underground is a leng…
The Question of Real Food: Does it Really Matter What You Eat? Foodie Underground
Do we really have to care about real food all the time? Let’s be 100 percent honest with each other: sometimes eat…
Real Food Shouldn’t Be Fashionable: Foodie Underground
Real food isn’t a lifestyle accessory; it’s a necessity. I was scrolling through Instagram the other day, yo…