Sure, say all you want about Kesha’s music (I for one am a fan of her ridiculous, I-know-what-I’m-doing excess), but she…
Sexual Assault
Great News for Sexual Assault Activists and a Pointless ‘Consent’ App
Last week was a big week for sexual assault news, awareness and gimmicks. Let’s start with the newsy gimmick. You may ha…
Can ‘Good’ Peer Pressure in College Keep Men from Becoming Rapists?
Can peer pressure be a catalyst in rape prevention? Since the school year has just started, many news sites have …
Extinguish Sexual Shame by Claiming Your Authentic Desire: Sexual Healing
Sexual shame dominates our lives — even when we’re not consciously thinking about sex. Shame is so overwhelming th…
Are Colleges Trying to Incentivize Sexual Assault? ‘The Daily Show’ Has This Answer [Video]
Jon Stewart and “The Daily Show” crew are on point about sexual assault on college campuses. Jessica William…
Elliot Rodger, Our Children and Compassion: Can We Stop the Violence?
In the days since the horrific mass murder and suicide in Isla Vista, Calif. it’s easy to get swept up into the news fre…
The Maryville Rape: That Happened
It’s impossible not to remember the Steubenville rape when you read about the Maryville rape, but in this case, we hear …
13 Women’s Bills That Every Woman Should be Aware Of
No War on Women? Here are 13 bills and laws that say otherwise, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg. In 1912, …